Next Time: The Angels Take Manhattan

Earlier tonight we were cubed to The Power of Three but next week we’ll be heartbroken to the power of infinity.
It’s time to look ahead to the moment Amy and Rory’s fans have been dreading. In next Saturday’s story, The Angels Take Manhattan, it is the parting of the ways for the Doc and the Ponds. It looks set to be a humdinger of an exit for them though – filmed in New York, it’ll feature the return of the Weeping Angels, and River Song is also back as “the queen of mischief”. And we expect nothing less!
The Angels will take Manhattan on Saturday 29th September at 7:20pm on BBC One…
See the latest Series 7 headlines to discuss all the developments as and when…
i cant wait to see the end of amy and rory there times been a drag for me now and its time for a chance of compianion which is long over due to breath freash new life into the show and spice it up once again so i cant wait til next week to say bye bye ponds :)
I’m so not readdy for the ponds leaving…but i need River on my screen!What do i do? So many feels after the power of tree i don’t know if i will survive next week episode!
It will be so sad to see them go. While a big theme in Doctor Who is ‘change’, it doesn’t make it any better when a Companion or Doctor leaves
One thing I liked about the preview for The Angels Take Manhatten is that the 11th Doctor spoke about the Weeping Angels sending people back in time and living off the time they had left. I’m glad to hear that, as they’re moving back towards their core nature, as seen in Blink.
I loved the Angels when they made their first appearance. The second time completely killed them. However, this episode looks promising!
I’m terrified of what’s in store for the Ponds.
I’m definitely looking forward to this — I just hope it doesn’t suffer from the lack of time. I hope this isn’t a two-part length story stuffed into a single timeslot. But I like the angels, my kids like the angels, I like River, and although I’m sad to see the Ponds go, it’s the right time to do this. I hope they give them an exit they can be proud of.
Can’t wait for the episode , though i feel we are mis-leaded . Never before we knew what was going to happen in an episode before it arrived . Maybe the ” pond departure ” is metaphorical , meaning they will intentionally leave doctor behind and go on with their normal lives . I have a theory how this will happen but I’m not sure. if i tell it maybe i ruin the excitement of the episode when it comes.( if i am correct i mean ) . And like River always says …..”spoileeers” :)
I am so excited by this episode. THE END OF AMY POND!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I’m really looking forward to the end of the Pond’s involvement in the show. I actually quite liked them for series 5&6, but feel they have been dragging the show down lately (IMO, of course). I just feel like some of the storylines have had great potential, but always fall into the lets save Amy/Rory trap. Enough already. Also, over time its quite apparent how one-dimensional Karen’s acting is. No offense intended to Amy/Rory fans, but thats just how I feel. I really can’t wait for the new companion.
The preview looks great though.
I’m going to seriously miss the Ponds. I think they’re probably the strongest companions we’ve seen in a long time. IMO the current Team Tardis (counting River, of course), is going to take a lot of beating. I just hope that we manage to avoid an oversentimental ending for them. I want them to leave the show in a blaze of glory, not with a sniffle.
Really good move to use the Angels as their final monsters as well. Once upon a time it would have been the Daleks by default, but the Angels are scarier by a country mile. Whatever happens it’s going to be incredible TV.
Thest seen their own future, I wonder that was? their end or seeing them being zapped back in time im going to love this episode on saturday, although im looking forward to it im not forward to another 3 month wait til the christmas special and then goodness knows how long until the second part of the seventh series, but hey its something to look forward to because shows become dragging when theyre on five days a week 50 weeks a year because it would have become boring i love it when I have something to look forward to because it means tim,e has been spent on the show and it has not been rushed, well blimey this is a long post isnt it haha
I wonder if they have somehow worked the statue of liberty into this episode you know with it being a statue? Is this the ultimate weeping angel? the one that cant move because it is always seen day and night? Night and Day? If this is worked in i will be like NOOOOO WAYYYYY!
Simon — I’ve been wondering about that too. Of course, it’d be a hollowed-out Angel that people can climb up inside of. ;-) But it’s an interesting idea. An Angel that is terrifyingly huge, but also totally impotent because it is so famous that it is always being observed.
Also, maybe it would mean the French didn’t like us quite as much as we thought when they gave her to us. ;-) (I’m a Yank.)