Past companions to return for 50th anniversary?

Some of the Doctor’s former companions are being lined up to return as part of the series’ 50th anniversary, according to a new report that has surfaced this week.
The Express claims (spoilers in the article) that Billie Piper, Karen Gillan and Carole Ann Ford will all return during the show’s landmark year. Producers are planning to celebrate it in “spectacular fashion”, with David Tennant also on the rumour list to be making a cameo. “They are going to pull out all the stops,” a source said.
They added: “There will be nods to the show’s history. Old faces are likely to reppear…”
There is naturally a TARDIS load of speculation surrounding the 50th anniversary – Matt Smith recently said it will “honour” the series’ past and Steven Moffat’s confirmed it will “build for the future” too. A drama exploring Who’s origin will kick off the festivities.
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As always, we should take these rumours with a pinch of salt, sometimes they’re right (Statue of Liberty being a Weeping Angel) and sometimes they are very, very wrong! Billie has always said her time on Who is over, Karen said she is definitely gone for the time being but who knows? I would like to see a big celebration for the 50th though!
In some ways I think the companions have had their goodbyes, like the last time we saw Rose, it was really sweet and bought hers and The Doctor’s story full circle, so to bring her back again would be a shame. Same for Amy so I dont really know how I feel about it! At the same time I do want the anniversary to be big and memorable and have lots of previous characters in so who knows? I cant have it both ways! :’)
I definitely want former companions back, but I hope no one is left out. It should be all or none. Of course it all depends on whether the actors/actresses are free to participate, but I hope that if the producers do decide to have companions return, they will invite everyone still alive.
As others have said, just because the Newspapers say it, it doesn’t mean they’re right. In reality, they’re just a higher form of speculation that’s exactly the same as that amongst us.
Billie Piper’s husband was only recently saying that they were thinking about moving to America. Besides which, as Amy has said, Billie has said that she really thinks her time on the show is over.
Karen has said her ending is very final. From what we saw, that is the case and she said she didn’t want to return for cameos. To do so after all that would detract from her ending.
Even I’m coming to believe that was the case with Rose Tyler. Perhaps it would have been much better for her to be in the Parallel World and have been trapped there for over four series until she finally found the real Doctor again in the 50th Anniversary.
I would really like to see Carole Ann Ford playing a part in the 50th Anniversary just because I want to see Susan in modern Doctor Who calling Matt Smith her Grandfather, perhaps even regenerating. It’d be a question of if she wanted to appear though, she is 72 now.
As for the previous Doctors that are still with us, I still think as many as possible should be involved somehow.
One thing I would have loved to see for the 50th anniversary is an explanation of The Eighth Doctor’s regeneration, I think that would be something really worth looking at! Paul McGann always said he would return, its just a shame Eccleston would never come back!
“Speculation” “could be on board” This newspaper isn’t reporting anything factual. It’s all fan speculation. There are no sources and no confirmations in this article it may as well be fans making wishlists on a forum, which is probably where the information comes from…
Thank the Heavens they got Rose and the tenth Doctor and Amelia too. And the doctor’s granddaughter! I am so excited!
What a bore – These “past” companions – Billie Piper and Karen Gillan – how “past” is that? Carole Ann Ford should be recognised in the 50th Anniversary. In my view she is the true family for the Doctor, not all this garbage like Jenny. If I had a wish it would be for a celebration of each Doctor, so instead of the Doctor himself, it would have been Susan, Barbara, Ian, Ben Polly, Liz, Sarah, Nyssa, Tegan, Peri and Mel. Off course, unfortunately the actors who have played Barbara, Ben, Liz and Sarah have all passed on sadly. If the BBC and SM are only looking to the last 8 years, then it wil not be a celebration of Doctor Who at 50 at all!!!