50th anniversary: Chris sparks return speculation
November 29th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Christopher Eccleston has sparked speculation that he’ll be in some way involved in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary.
While the actor has famously been adamant that a return to his Ninth Doctor role is off the cards – citing he’d “never bathe in the same river twice” – he has left us intrigued after comments in an interview with Red Carpet News TV.
When asked if he’d like to be invited back for the landmark year, he said: “If I told you that, I’d have to shoot you.”
Celebrations for the show’s milestone will be “extensive” and “build for the future”.
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I think he meant if he told the interviewer he’d like to be invited back, he’d had to shoot him because he never wants to step foot on the set again. Rather than any secrecy.
I’ve had enough of Christopher Eccleston now, in all honesty.
He has rubbished his time on the show and practically laughed at the prospect of returning far too many times now and I’m bored of hearing from him on the subject.
I quite like the 9th Doctor, he switches back and forth with the 11th Doctor as my second favourite, but it’s got to a point now that even if he did come back, you’d know it was reluctantly and bitterly, why would Doctor Who fans want to see someone that really doesn’t want to be there?
I do like Eccleston as the 9th Doctor, but at this point, I’d almost rather they re-cast just for the anniversary than hear anything more negative from him, you know?
To be fair to him, he’s only talking about it because someone is asking.
He appears to have his ninth Doctor hairstyle back; coincidence..?
I do quite like the idea of this. Because Eccleston has always talked quite negatively about his time on Who I always assumed he wouldnt be willing to return but I think this could be really interesting! Nine is one of my favourite Doctors so it would be lovely to see him back particularly if it included some kind of explanation of the Eight/Nine regeneration. Although if RTD characters are coming back I do feel like he should have some input in what happens to them.
Yeah, I know he’s only talking about it because he was asked, but still…
I know he didn’t like his time on the show because of what happened behind the scenes and I didn’t mind him saying that, although it was a shame. It’s just that he’s been talking about it for seven years now and if it’s because the press keep asking, then they should stop asking.
It’s difficult, as a Doctor Who fan, to hear him be so negative about the show, especially since he would be vital if we’re ever to see the missing 8th/9th regeneration.
As for his hair, I wouldn’t say it meant much. The anniversary isn’t until November next year and although they would film anything early, I’m not sure he would do anything to his appearance now.
When Chris was asked at a Q&A about his time on and future regarding Doctor Who, he did not sound negative at all. If he is returning then it’s fantastic news especially considering David is also growing his Doctor hairstyle back.