Matt describes anniversary special as “spellbinding”

March 21st, 2013
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Matt Smith said the upcoming 50th anniversary special is “spellbinding” at a recent public Q&A appearance held at an Apple store in London.

Last month it was confirmed that a special 3D adventure will be screened on TV and in cinemas to mark the series’ half a century on screen. The actor promised fans it won’t disappoint, hailing it as one of the best “ever, ever, ever”. “Steven’s been wanting to write this script for a long time,” he said. “He has really done it justice.”

He continued: “There are parts of it in mad 3D, but what he’s done with the idea is really clever – it’s not just throwing things at the screen. There are elements that are different from normal episodes. When you combine all the elements that are different it’s not just an episode of Doctor Who, it is something else – something bigger and more exciting.”

He added that he has “known for ages” who will be starring in the episode – “You’ll have to wait and see but you won’t be disappointed,” he teased. Let the speculation continue…

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