“It’s time” – Helen Mirren calls for a female Doctor

June 12th, 2013
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Helen Mirren has revealed that she wants the Twelfth Doctor to be a female insisting “it’s absolutely time” for a change to the tradition.

As all the fevered speculation surrounding Matt’s successor continues, the actress, who in 2011 confirmed she’d like to play the first female incarnation, believes the time is now. “I am so sick of that man and his girl sidekick,” she admitted. “I could name at least ten wonderful British actresses right now who would absolutely kill in that role.”

More actresses to be put forward for the part include Olivia Colman and Emma Watson.

Who’s your perfect 12th Doctor? Let us know in our new dedicated discussion!

7 comments on this article
  1. Simon Davis
    June 12th, 2013 at 2.39pm | #1

    If something isn’t broken, why “fix” it?

    Doctor Who has ticked along just fine with the same male lead character for 50 years.

    It doesn’t matter whether people think “it’s time” (whatever that means) for a female to play the role

    What does that mean anyway, “it’s time”?

    People like Helen Mirren are jumping on this bandwagon purely because it is quite probably the only show on TV where changing the gender of the lead character is even an option, not because they think it would improve the show.

    Which it wouldn’t.

    Because the Doctor is a man.

    Get used to it.

  2. Steve
    June 12th, 2013 at 3.58pm | #2

    I think if the BBC have to change the role to a woman, then Helen Mirran is the female to do it. While I agree , in principal, it should be a man, there are certain actress who would fill the role very successfully!

  3. Freddy Jones
    June 12th, 2013 at 9.45pm | #3

    I think Helen Mirren can go bite herself. =3
    We don’t need a female Doctor.
    I do think women can be strong, clever, intelligent and whatever but… I don’t think the Doctor strikes me as the type of person to want to sprout breasts. =I

  4. Freddy Jones
    June 12th, 2013 at 9.48pm | #4

    People are looking at it like James Bond, who is just randomly played by different actors.
    It’s not.
    There’s a canonical process of regeneration, and the Doctor generally keeps his core values no matter how much his personality changes. He’s generally the same person but with different levels of each trait he’s always had. For that reason, I think it’d be really weird to see him suddenly become a woman or black or American or a hamster or sprout a second head or lose a leg, or sprout eight legs (all things that can happen, but probably shouldn’t).

  5. robert
    June 13th, 2013 at 11.15am | #5

    Please stop with these rumours please papers

    we all have a long wait for the 12th doctor to be revelaved

    probably won’t know until the autumn

    My personel preference would be an unkwon brittish actor

    it is a shame that i’m not an actor for

    I would like to have a go

    some of my freinds call me eccentric

    I wish the news papers would stop it!!!

    the best thing to do is to ingore these rumours and

    wait until the bbc relese officially

    which won’t be for a while longer yet

    it might be like john hurt surprise

  6. Profzed
    June 13th, 2013 at 11.27pm | #6

    Romana, especially Lalla Ward’s version, was very much the female Doctor. So we’ve already had a female Doctor.

    I wouldn’t mind an episode in which our Universe’s Doctor (male) meets up with a parallel Universe’s Doctor who is female. She could even travel her cosmos in a pretty yellow-colored police box TARDIS.

  7. the other guy
    June 17th, 2013 at 3.31pm | #7

    At first thought I didn’t like the idea of a female Doctor. 2nd and 3rd thought I still didn’t like it. Then, the thought of Doctor Donna’s brief existence occurred to me and the thought wasnt too bad. I
    just think a female Doctor would have to put more emotion into the role. Something of which has
    caused problems for Doctors that came before. Oh my, just imagine a woman scorned scenario.

    Hope this didn’t offend any female fans. Would really like to hear some input from them.

    Also, as @freddy jones said, an American Doctor would be the worst idea EVER! Im American and wouldn’t watch it. Blasphemy! To be honest the Syfy (SyFail) channel here has been rebooting/remaking British scifi for a few years now (being human,primeval), and its horrible what they do to these shows. Im hoping and praying they leave Doctor Who alone!

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