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The Tenth Doctor pulls!

October 31st, 2009

sja-wedding-doctor-radiotimesOvernight ratings have now been released for this week’s epic Sarah Jane adventure, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith.

The Tenth Doctor’s long-awaited return in the first instalment, which aired on Thursday, pulled in an unofficial audience of 1.3million, which is a huge 10.9% share of the total television audience. Meanwhile, yesterday’s conclusion was watched by 1.1million, a slightly lower, but still higher than average, 9.6% audience share!

Finally, the BARB ratings have now been published for Prisoner of the Judoon, which aired earlier this month. The Series 3 opener was watched by official audiences of 0.73million, for part one, and 0.82million, for part two!

The third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures continues next Thursday and Friday at 4.35PM on BBC1 and BBC HD with The Eternity Trap. Check out our Sarah Jane mini-site which has been updated with quotes, ratings and other tidits for every episode of Series 3 so far!

admin Ratings, SJA

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