Entries from December 2009
December 31st, 2009

end-of-time-presidentCheck out the countdown everyone.

0 days. Can you believe it?

It doesn’t get much bigger than this…

December 31st, 2009

top-ten-of-ten-2Well, folks, the big day is nearly upon us – and what better way to bring in the Tenth Doctor’s crowning ovation than with a look back at what is undoubtedly one of the most acclaimed scenes of the Russell T Davies era?

Yep - you guessed it! 17% of your votes have made the Doctor and Rose Tyler’s bittersweet goodbye scene at the end of Series 2’s Doomsday the runner-up of our Top Ten of Ten countdown.

The nation wept back in July 2006 as 8.22million tuned in for their long-awaited, and highly publicized, final farewell on Bad Wolf Bay, and held its breath in anticipation as the time travellers were ripped apart forever. Or so we thought…

It’s probably already etched permanently into your subconscious, but relive the moment again below:

December 31st, 2009

doctor-the-end-of-time-part-twoAs you’ll all know all too well, tomorrow not only marks the beginning of a new year, but also the beginning of a new era, as the Tenth Doctor bows out in part two of The End of Time. And BBC HD viewers are in for a treat, because the channel will be showing ALL of his 2009 highlights back to back!

The marathon kicks off at 1:40PM with his appearance in Series 3 of The Sarah Jane Adventures, The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. 

Then, the Easter special, Planet of the Dead, will be repeated at 2:35PM, followed by its accompanying edition of Doctor Who Confidential, Desert Storm, at 3:35PM. After that, The Waters of Mars will inundate your screens once more at 4:35PM, followed by a repeat of last week’s opening instalment of The End of Time at 5:40PM…

All of this is, of course, leading into the main event – the colossal finale, The End of Time, Part Two, which will debut at 6:40PM, broadcast simultaneously on BBC1. Its Confidential, Allons-y!, will round off the occasion at 7:55PM on both BBC HD and BBC3. BBC3 will also be reliving the Tenth Doctor’s greatest moments from 8:55PM!

Deep breaths, everyone! We’ve nearly made it - hang on in there!

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time – click here!

December 31st, 2009

david-tennant-greyDon’t worry – the Master isn’t up to his old tricks! David Tennant treated fans with not one but two appearances on breakfast television in the UK this morning, being interviewed on both BBC Breakfast and GMTV ahead of the broadcast of his final ever episode tomorrow night.

It’s safe to say that the regeneration is the talk of the nation (and quite right too!), and the actor promises that viewers will still be shocked by some of the plot twists to come in part two of The End of Time…

“The Doctor’s been told that he’s going to die, and he knows he’s going to die,” he told BBC Breakfast. “So you get to play that new flavour with this character that you’ve got to know so well, and suddenly you’re playing a man who knows his end is coming.”

He added: “When you find out what [the four knocks] really means, it just breaks your heart. It’s brilliant.”

Meanwhile, over on GMTV he commented: “I’ve been talking about it for 4 years. This morning is the last time I’ll be on television talking about a new episode of Doctor Who. That’s quite a weird thought. But it’s my final moment. This is it. The Tenth Doctor is leaving the building.”

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time – click here!

December 31st, 2009

top-ten-of-ten-3We are now mere hours away from the broadcast of The End of Time, Part Two, and to help us get in the sentimental mood, we’ve been looking back at the Tenth Doctor’s finest moments to date as we psych ourselves up for the big farewell tomorrow night…

And 12% of your votes have placed his legendary “wibbly wobbly timey-wimey” speech from Series 3’s Blink into third place!

Of course, writer Steven Moffat also deserves a mention here, who recently confirmed that the Weeping Angels will be back to blink another day in Series 5. But more on that next year…

For now, check out the scene that’s taking home the bronze medal below, and stay tuned for the reveal of the penultimate top Tenth Doctor moment! It’s the final countdown…

» For all we’ve got on The End of Time – click here!

December 30th, 2009

top-ten-of-ten-4We’re jumping in the TARDIS and digging deep into the past this week to summon up the Tenth Doctor’s best bits ahead of his final episode this Friday, and coming in at fourth place with 9.0% of the vote is the moment he managed to fulfill a lifelong ambition.

We all know his catchphrase is ‘Allons-y!’ (that’s ‘let’s go!’ in French), and in Series 2 he first expressed his desire to meet somebody by the name of Alonso…

…and fate was on his side in the 2008 Christmas special, Voyage of the Damned, because he did just that! Here’s the joyous occasion one more time…

» 7 down, 3 to go! Stick with us for the Tenth Doctor’s final days…

December 30th, 2009

top-ten-of-ten-59.0% of the final vote means that the Tenth Doctor’s acclaimed ’Did you miss me?’ moment finishes in fifth place in our countdown of his defining moments, as voted by WhovianNet visitors!

This scene is from the 2005 Christmas Day special, The Christmas Invasion, his first full adventure (well, if you don’t count the Children in Need special, Born Again, that is!), which was seen by an audience of 9.84million on its first broadcast…

And the answer to your question, Doctor… we most certainly did!

Recollect the Tenth Doctor’s triumphant return to the spotlight below:

December 29th, 2009

wilf-antlers-eotHappy birthday wishes go out on this day to veteran actor Bernard Cribbins, who Doctor Who fans will recognise as Donna Noble’s grandfather, Wilfred Mott, from Voyage of the Damned, Series 4 and the The End of Time!

Cribbins, who was last month presented with a British Academy Children’s Awards for his years of outstanding creative contribution to the industry, is celebrating his 81st birthday, so join us in raising our glasses, and we hope he has a wonderful day!

In 1966, he starred as the Doctor’s companion, Tom Campbell, in the film Daleks’ Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.

December 29th, 2009

russell-davidLast month we brought you news of BBC Radio 2’s exclusive 60-minute interview, Who on Who?, between David Tennant and Russell T Davies, who both bid farewell to Doctor Who as the Tenth Doctor and showrunner with the transmission of The End of Time, Part Two on New Year’s Day.

The programme aired earlier today, and is now available to listen to again for the next 7 days on the BBC’s iPlayer service.

In the chat, Tennant questions Davies about everything Doctor Who, including his thoughts on its new showrunner, Steven Moffat, whether or not he would ever consider writing for the programme again, and how he originally declined the BBC’s offer to produce a series based around a young Doctor studying at the Time Lord Academy.

Their final episode will screen in the UK this Friday at 6:40PM on BBC One/HD.

December 29th, 2009

top-ten-of-ten-6With 9.0% of the final vote, the Doctor’s epic ‘Have you got a problem with that?’ speech from the 2007 Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned, finishes in 6th place.

He’s the Doctor, he’s a Time Lord, he’s from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous, he’s 903 years old and he’s the man who’s gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. Have you got a problem with that?

A video reminder of that triumphant moment can be seen below:

» Check out the previous Top Ten of Ten results!

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