Rate & Discuss: Detained

November 19th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

The whole gang is thrown into detention by Miss Quill. Locked in her classroom, they are terrified when an explosion propels them out of space and time: trapped, claustrophobic and floating in blackness with no way of escape.

As Class continued, the gang were thrown into the detention to end them all when an alien fragment sent them to the edge of nowhere. Coal Hill School will never be the same again.

Last week we got an epic sci-fi venture on another planet and this week we got an intimate yet claustrophobic tale set within the confines of a classroom. That’s the basic premise of Class in a nutshell, really, but Detained proved that they can both be just as dramatic as the other as the gang were pushed to their limits (and then some) and a ‘Meteor of Truth’ forced them to examine their own unconventional friendships and underlying insecurities…

Things went from bad to worse and an AWOL Miss Quill was nowhere to be seen (but more on that next week!) as the ruthless rock revealed some ugly home truths, but what did you make of the latest episode and its accompanying shocks and surprises, of which there were plenty? This week’s discussion is now open for you to discuss your reactions, so get typing!

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