Rate & Discuss: Brave-ish Heart

November 12th, 2016
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Battling through the Shadow Kin realm, April knows that there is no going back: she has to defeat Corakinus. On Earth, the invasion of the petals is rapidly snowballing. Confronted with the threat of the planet’s extinction, new headmistress Dorothea attempts to force Charlie into making a transformational decision. But Miss Quill has other ideas for him.

Class continued this weekend as April and her ever Brave-ish Heart found themselves in a whole new world and Miss Quill’s dangerous new alliance with the headmistress put the future of an entire race at stake. It was business as usual and April was really p*ssed off.

Well, wouldn’t you be, if you were sharing your heart with a murdering alien and had to cut a hole into his world in order to destroy him? This episode was an epic, sci-fi jaunt that transported us on a journey that took us underneath the universe itself, but it wouldn’t be the show we have grown to know and love if things weren’t just as bad here on Earth, too.

As the invasion of the flesh-eating flowers continued, our heroes were forced to re-examine their priorities and Charlie in particular was faced with an impossible choice that looks set to have long-lasting ramifications for those he holds dearest. Back in the Shadow Kin’s realm, April joined forces with Ram to kill the King once and for all, but it was to be a mission that neither of them could expect to get out of alive. We hope they’ve done their homework.

So, what did you make of the latest episode?

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2 comments on this article
  1. Andy Cordy
    December 20th, 2016 at 8.23pm | #1

    In many ways, this was the highpoint of the season. In the best action drama tradition, you hardly new when to draw breath.

  2. Andy Cordy
    December 20th, 2016 at 8.24pm | #2

    Sorry about the typo. That’s “Knew” not new!@Andy Cordy

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