Karen discusses her “bittersweet” Doctor Who exit

June 16th, 2012
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Karen Gillan chatted to STV at the 2012 Scottish Fashion Awards, commenting on her “bittersweet” Doctor Who exit.

“It was so sad,” she said. “It’s all in the can now. It was this bittersweet thing, because I’m ready to move on to other things. I’m doing a film in Glasgow soon which I’m really excited about. But it was so sad, because I am leaving my best friends, in a weird way.” Her final episode will air in the autumn. Amy and Rory will leave the TARDIS after “a final encounter with the Weeping Angels”.

She previously teased that their anticipated exit storyline isn’t “what people expect”

Karen was named as this year’s Scottish Fashion Icon at the awards, congratulations!

WATCH the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure!

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