Dame Diana Rigg, Rachael Stirling cast in Series 7

July 2nd, 2012
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The BBC’s today confirmed that Dame Diana Rigg will be starring in an episode of Series 7 next year alongside her daughter, Rachael Stirling.

The actresses will be recreating their real life relationship for the episode, by Mark Gatiss, which begins filming today (2nd July) at the new Roath Lock studios in Cardiff Bay. The first time they have ever worked together on screen, the pair will appear as “a mother and daughter with a dark secret” in the story, set in Yorkshire.

Rigg is best known for her roles as Emma Peel in The Avengers, and Tracy Bond in the 1969 James Bond film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Stirling, meanwhile, has been in Hotel Babylon and Another Life. Her most recent role’s in Snow White and the Hunstman.

Stirling has described her role in the new series as a “joy”. “I am looking forward to the madness of Doctor Who enormously,” she said. “Mark Gatiss has written a gift of a script, an on-screen relationship between Ma and I that is truly delicious. We’ve never worked together but when a funny and original script comes you know the time’s come.”

Her mother, Rigg, meanwhile, commented: “The first time Rachie and I will be working together is an episode of Doctor Who, written for us by Mark Gatiss – how lucky is that?”

Steven Moffat added: “Dame Diana Rigg, Rachael Stirling and a Mark Gatiss script – a combination of talents you could only get in Doctor Who! Frankly, I’m terrified already!”

Their episode airs in 2013 with Matt Smith as the Doctor and Jenna-Louise Coleman as the next companion. See pictures of the new TARDIS team here, here and here.

According to recent rumours a Classic Series foe will return in the Mark Gatiss story.

WATCH the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure!

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