Latest 50th anniversary special rumours – spoilers!

Now the 50th anniversary year is here rumours about the big occasion will be coming in thick and fast over the coming months – and Birmingham Mail have got the ball rolling!
For those interested in reading up on the latest, you can find all the details in the spoiler box below.
It is always fun to speculate (plus it is what we Whovians do best!), so we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Remember to take everything with a pinch of salt for now…
Eleven Time Lords to feature in 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode
According to them, Steven Moffat is “close to completing” the script for a one-off adventure starring all eleven incarnations of the Doctor. The report claims that Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann are all “keen to appear”, with the first three Doctors to be resurrected for “brief flashback scenes” using elements of “studio trickery”.
Christopher Eccleston is reportedly reconsidering his involvement after previously saying he’d “never bathe in the same river twice”, while David Tennant has revealed he has “nothing to say” about a return, but has himself admitted that it is “not impossible”.
However, the latest article suggests that modern companions – such as Rose, Rory, Amy and Martha – will not be making comebacks for the special, conflicting this report from October last year. Alex Kingston may be back as River Song, though – the rumours are she’ll be the one “responsible for bringing the previous incarnations together”. Hello, sweeties!
Share your 50th anniversary hopes and dreams in our dedicated discussion…
My first inclination is to call this rubbish. We all know that Newspapers are usually just massive speculators that have a media to broadcast their predictions in.
I can’t count the number of times Newspapers have printed rubbish and have said they have “reliable sources” or “close sources” and yet, when it comes to broadcast, their stories are nowhere to be seen and when it comes to the 50th Anniversary, it’s particularly irritating.
I especially don’t like this rubbish about the first three Doctors being included through using old footage of them. That just wouldn’t cut it in the 21st Century, actors talking to old recordings of the first three Doctors acting in old episodes of Doctor Who.
Just a load of speculation. I’ll believe it when it’s officially announced.
We will know by the season 7 finale. My guess: Tennant will pop up in the final scene! Moffat has already said it’s one to please the fans. We won’t know until then because they would be shooting themselves in the foot marketing the special episode before they’ve marketed the end of this season! Prepare for a cliffhanger with more than one doctor, that’s my guess!
Just remember — the Doctor isn’t the only one who lies. So does Moffatt. ;-) This would be truly awesome, but we will have to wait and see.
Well, Colin Baker has replied to this article on Twitter and said he still hasn’t been spoken to about the 50th Anniversary and knows nothing about it.
When Twitter users said that he wouldn’t admit to being part of it if he was, he said that he doesn’t know why he posts on Twitter if people don’t believe what he says.
Colin Baker is playing The Master!
I have said this before and I will say it again, I don’t believe the 50th anniversary will be anything spectacular because the BBC are letting Big Finish do an 8 Doctor story for Nov which, apparently, will include the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Doctors. If the BBC are that keen, they would make sure they were the doing the multi-Doctor story. It doesn’t make sense for Big Finish to do a multi-Doctor story as well. Personally I think Big Finish are doing incredible stories! I honestly don’t think Moffat is capable of producing a decent story anymore.
Also judging by a lot of the comments on this website, I think it is very sad that people don’t get Doctor Who is 50 YEARs and not 7! There is more to Doctor Who than David Tennant!
That’s what makes you wrong Steve.
Won’t be spectacular? Yes it will!
Moffat isn’t capable of producing a decent story? Yes he is.
7 years of who? Ridiculous it’s been back for 8 years)!
Why are you on the bandwagon against David Tennant fans?
As for the Big Finish audio totally seperate entity to onscreen canon Who. That’s like saying JJ Abrams can’t do a Star Trek timetravel movie because a fanfilm is doing it. I refer you to Gods of Men where enemies went back in time and changed Kirk’s past (and yes it was starring two of the original actors).
My comments have very easily shown I support the show being about the Classic Series too and although I am a 10th Doctor fan, I’ve shown through a lot of my comments that I appreciate the Classic series and want the 50th Anniversary to be about all of the Doctors if possible.
I’m sorry if all those posts have been missed.
The real problem with the special is just that it’s one 60 minute special. Surely if it were a multi-Doc story it’d be longer?
Rule 1-Moffat lies and does it well