CONFIRMED: Peter Capaldi IS the Twelfth Doctor!

PETER CAPALDI has been revealed as the Twelfth Doctor in Doctor Who ending months of fevered speculation.
The actor was announced in the iconic role during a special live show on BBC One earlier tonight, in which he made his first public appearance as the coveted Time Lord.
Peter’s been the hot favourite to claim the part as this week bookmakers took a surge of bets on the Scottish actor, who has previously guest starred in the series and its spin off.
Peter will make his on screen debut as the next Doctor in this year’s Christmas Special and has said it is “an amazing privilege” to be trusted with the keys to the TARDIS. “Like the Doctor himself I find myself in a state of utter terror and sheer delight,” he revealed. He secured the role in a secret audition, after which the BBC knew they’d found the one.
Peter’s Doctor will travel through time and space with Jenna Coleman who’ll be returning for Series 8 as Clara Oswald. The actress has congratulated her newest co-star and said she “can’t wait to start a new adventure”. “With Steven’s writing plus Peter’s talent, we’ll be making an amazing show with an incredible incarnation of number 12,” she predicted.
Series runner Steven Moffat has labelled the new leading man “one of the most talented actors of his generation”, as Controller of BBC One Charlotte Moore looked ahead to “an exciting new era”. “Peter has all the genius and versatility needed to take on the mantel of the great Time Lord,” she said. “He’ll bring his own particular wisdom and charisma.”
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So what do you think? Let us know your thoughts on Capaldi’s casting in the comments…
Hello, Doctor!
I can’t express my relief in elequant enough words.
I’ve been so anxious today that the BBC would make the wrong choice, saying I thought the ideal choice would be an older, white man.
Up to the announcement, my heart was beating so hard in my chest and the relief when they announced Peter Capaldi was incredible.
I said before on this site that I wasn’t sure I could see Peter as the 12th Doctor. I took that back the minute his name was announced and I saw him talking about the show and how much of a fan he is, which should mean he’ll love and truly value being the 12th Doctor.
Genuinely relieved and ready to watch him next year.
Finally, I just want to say a massive Congratulations to Peter Capaldi on him becoming the 12th Doctor, I’m excited for him and can’t wait to see what he will bring to the role.
Capaldi has more of a “Master” look to him. So that could be pretty cool, Doctor-wise!
Although I’m sad that Matt Smith is leaving, I can’t wait to see Capaldi’s take on the character.
Love it! I was really excited about the news…. then my mum walks in and I say “mum look its the 12th Doctor!” and her reaction was “Oh God he’s ugly!!! Bring back David Tennant!!” and I just said he’s coming back in November for the 50th anniversary and she goes oh…. right okay then.
Ironically, they tapped “The Fires of Pompeii” again for a future Doctor Who star or companion. Remember, Karen Gillan was a Soothsayer before being cast as Amy Pond.
I think casting Peter Capaldi was a great choice for the Twelfth Doctor.
Female Doctor! Oh well, next one.
Perfect! Brriliant! Steven Moffat has nailed it perfectly!
This is a fantastic choice, It’s got everything I want, Older, but not to old, slight white hair, talented and a fan of the show!
Peter was popular before, now he will be a super star!
I know he will not disappoint.
I look forward to an exciting looking future with the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi!
Phew! Thank goodness. I know I should Trust the Moff – but there were so many names being bandied about that I know I would have hated in the role. I have full faith that Peter Capaldi will be a very worthy successor to Matt Smith. I’m going to miss 11 badly – still not looking forward to Christmas – but now at least I know that things will continue onwards and upwards from here. I reserve full judgement until I see him in action…but I have a lot of hope.
Nice one, BBC. Glad you didn’t #%!@ that one up.
Soooo happy and excited. Peter is an amazing Actor and perfect for the role. Loved hearing about his love for the show puts my mind at reast :). He will put an amazing spin on The Doctor, I can see him being Darker, cunning and really slick and I think matched up with Clara it shall be really interesting :). I was hoping all day it would be him and screamed YES YES YES!!! When it was him that was announced. I’m still buzzing with excitment for the era that Doctor Who is going to go in its come at the perfect time and you have the perfect actor to stear it foward.
Well done to the Moff
Good Luck Peter you’ll be amazing :) xxx
Break a leg Peter! Excited to see you in the Christmas episode. I’m sure you’ll be fantastic!
im so happy peter is the new doctor its about time we had a slightly older man playing the time lord well done peter
Very interesting choice this time
from a unknown actor to a etablished actor
glad it was not a woman though
yes he is older and i do agree that it was time for an older actor it kind of brings it full circle but also it’s looking into the past as well as the future.
i think he may be another classic doctor
davies casted modern actors to play nine and ten
but now moffat has cast two actors who are modernish but with classic doctor traits are more doctorish
and peter has that kinfd of timelord vibe going off
slightly taken back at first
but looking at him
he looks quite dark and sinster on that video espically when he smiles
so it looks like the twelth could be authorite, sterner not put with any nonsene, but who could be more like a father figure to clara which has not been done in a while
I can also see him as a more devious and cunning incaration
but i hope with a slight eccentric edge
he does kind of remind me a bit like john pertwee.
looking foward to seeing his costume
I wonder what he will be wearing a long frock coat perhaps
last time people said matt was too young now peter is too old
good luck peter
i waiting with baited breath about your incartaion
but moffat or any other produer on who when casting the role has not let us down yet
plus peter keep this smile for your version because it will certainly scare the daleks off
but to be fair i havent watched in the thick of it
also I daidn’t except peter or chris to be the doctor who john pertwee for that matter.
plus i bet your daughter is happy now!
I think Moffat did the right thing picking an older actor to play the doctor.
instead of being a love interest the doctor is more of a father figure, such a refreshing twist for the series.
I think he is going to be a darker and more authoritative character. I expect alot of speeches in his future.
I hope he gets to keep his Scottish accent!
I am happy, because they didn’t make the doctor female, that just wouldn’t have worked, and they didn’t change the race, it is still a UK based TV show, except for McGann
STILL NOT GINGER! I can imagine Peters dotor walking up to a mirror, taking one look and having a tantrum about his hair colour…again
Great choice! I also look forward to the explanation of Capaldi’s appearances in Fires of Pompeii, and Torchwood: Children of Earth as John Frobisher. ;)
@Amber Watkins
As long as the BBC own the rights to Doctor Who it will be a ‘UK based TV show’, regardless of the Doctor’s ‘race’.
As a Time Lord from Gallifrey, the Doctor is under no obligation whatsoever to appear as a white, male Englishman (or Scotsman, sorry Tennant and Capaldi!)
*sorry if I sound snappy, that particular comment caught my attention
The doctor has been british for 50 years (except for McGann)I don’t think they will change that, but I really don’t want them to change his gender. How awkward would that be!? being male for over a thousand years and now being a female? Awkward for River…. Imagine Jack’s reaction
They haven’t explained how Karen Gillian was in Pompeii either, or Tosh from Torchwood was in World War Three in Eccelston’s season
I was absolutely terrified about they’re choice for the next Doctor. I was so afraid that they’d pick someone to young, or a woman (no offense), but when they announced that it was Peter, I was honestly very happy. I have no idea what the 27 people in the poll that disapproved of this were talking about. Good luck to the new Doctor!
Oh, and @Amber Watkins, I like that. “Imagine Jack’s reaction!” Lol.