Archive for ‘Discussions’
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In the far future, at the edge of the galaxy, there is a gleaming, perfect city. This brand new human settlement is said to hold the secret of human happiness – but the only smiles the Doctor and Bill can find are on a pile of grinning skulls. Something is alive in the walls, and the emojibots are watching from the shadows, as the Doctor and Bill try to unravel a terrifying mystery…
After last week’s premiere, the TARDIS is now officially open for business as Bill embarked on her maiden voyage through time and space. Well, this was her proper maiden voyage…
Let’s not forget that she casually visited Australia and the end of the universe in The Pilot, but the Doctor pulled out all of the stops for his new companion in tonight’s adventure as he took her lightyears away to the edge of the galaxy where a picturesque paradise (run by grinning robots, naturally!), was awaiting the arrival of a new human colony of happiness…
Make that grinning killer robots, as the drama escalated very quickly as soon as our heroes found themselves caught up in an escalating mystery of epic, Emoji proportions. But how did you rate the latest episode? Did writer Frank Cottrell Boyce’s return leave a Smile on your face, or was the tale of technological terror a dystopian disappointment? Our episode discussion is now open, so share your reviews and reactions below. Oh, and keep smiling!
You can read what WhovianNet thought of tonight’s episode in our advanced preview here.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen Smile. You have been warned!
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…because let’s face it, we’re already excited.
Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat’s final series was already shaping up to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride, but then it was announced that John Simm will be making the master of comebacks when he reprises his role as the renegade Time Lord after 7 years. And thus, the fandom went into overdrive.
He won’t be the only one, either, as he’ll be coming face to face with Michelle Gomez as Missy, who has irresistibly inhabited the part since 2014. Crikey!
But what’s it all about? How is Missy’s predecessor returning? What happened to him after the events of The End of Time, Part Two that led to his regeneration? And what, for the love of all things Mighty Jagrafess, has he got up his sleeves this time round?! Some fans are already speculating that it is he who lies within the elusive vault that the Doctor has sworn to protect, but that might transpire to be someone – or something – else entirely…
We’ve already caught a glimpse of him in the latest trailer, so let us know what you can deduce – if anything – in the comments below, as well as your general theories about his grand return. It’ll be two Masters for the price of one, and the Universe is already shaking.
“Doctor what?” Click here to Rate and Discuss the Series 10 premiere, The Pilot »
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Doctor Who returned to our screens earlier tonight and it wouldn’t be the start of a brand new series if it didn’t bring with it its very own mystery to boot.
The Pilot established that the Doctor has been working as a lecturer at the University of Bristol but, as expected, all is not as it seems as he’s also added ‘guarding a mysterious vault that’s hidden under campus’ to the top of his list of extra curricular activities. Who needs trampolining?
Let us know your initial theories in the comments below!
He also alluded to a promise he’s made, but what is the promise and who was it made to…?

“Doctor what?” Click here to Rate and Discuss the Series 10 premiere, The Pilot »
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Two worlds collide when the Doctor meets Bill, and a chance encounter with a girl with a star in her eye leads to a terrifying chase across time and space. Bill’s mind is opened to a Universe that is bigger and more exciting than she could possibly have imagined – but who is the Doctor, and what is his secret mission with Nardole on Earth?
Well, there you have it. After months of build up and anticipation, the moment has finally arrived. Welcome to the post-Pilot world, everybody! But was it worth all the waiting for?
Let’s face it, there was an awful lot to cram into these 50 minutes. Not only was tonight’s adventure kicking off Peter Capaldi’s final series as the Twelfth Doctor, it was also officially introducing Pearl Mackie as his brand new companion, Bill Potts. We’ve known about her for nearly a year, but now she’s stepped on board the TARDIS to see the universe anew…
So, what did you think of Bill’s entrée into the Whoniverse? Her days serving chips in the university canteen are over, but her life as an honorary, bonafide Earth defender are only just beginning. What are your first impressions of the Doctor’s new BFF, and was she what you were hoping for/expecting? And what did you make of the episode in general? Steven Moffat managed to reference the past, establish the present and look to the future in his last ever series opener, but will it go down as one of his best? Our discussion is now open…
You can read what WhovianNet thought of tonight’s episode in our advanced preview here.
NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen The Pilot. You have been warned!
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With Steven Moffat’s final full series as showrunner now just under a month away, we’re going back to where it all began (for him, at least) as we embark on a mission to discover his best series opener to date.
It only feels like yesterday that the Eleventh Doctor was crash landing in Amelia Pond’s garden, but The Eleventh Hour – Steven’s first episode at the show’s helm – will mark its 7th anniversary next month. The episode kick started a whole new era, and it’s safe to say that the Moff’s series premieres have been getting bigger and better ever since.
Where do you even start when it comes to Steven’s series openers? Over the years they’ve taken us to the shores of Lake Silencio in Utah (thus beginning one of the most mind-bending story arcs in Who history), Victorian London and even inside the Asylum of the Daleks itself. Say what you like about Moffat, but he definitely knows how to kick off a new series with a bang, and he is about to do it one more time when the Doctor returns to our screens on 15th April in The Pilot, with his next companion, Bill Potts, in tow. Get in!
Before that, though, let’s get nostalgic as we take a fond look back at his past premieres. Which has been your favourite? Let us know by voting in the poll below (and for the sake of continuity, we’ve included the mid-series premieres too!) and explain your choice in the comments. The results will be revealed ahead of the premiere of Series 10, so get voting…
Sorry, but this poll is now closed.
The Doctor is BACK on 15th April – check out the BRAND NEW, full-length trailer…
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Class is set to make its official debut in the US next month but fans in the UK have already been there, bought the t-shirt (though perhaps not the DVD) and… well, you get the idea.
It premiered online on BBC Three last year before airing in double bills during BBC One’s ‘graveyard slot’ (which is basically when the entire nation is asleep) in January, and it’s far from overwhelming inception into the mainstream public consciousness has left its fans – affectionally known as the ‘Classmates’ – wondering what, if anything, the future holds for their honourable heroes of Coal Hill Academy…
And let’s face it, it’s not looking good. Rumours are already abound that the show has been axed indefinitely, and even its cast members have been actively encouraging their social media followers to support a fan made petition calling for a second series. Its creator and writer Patrick Ness has persistently falsified claims that Class has officially been dismissed, though it’s likely that they’ll be holding off until after its BBC America broadcast to decide.
Whatever lies ahead for Charlie and the gang (and after that series finale, we’d certainly be intrigued to find out…), let us know if you think Class deserves a second outing in the poll and comments below. Perhaps you think its televisual journey is over but you’d like to see it continue in the form of original audio and comic books? We’d love to hear your thoughts!
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The first episode of Class, For Tonight We Might Die, airs on BBC America on Saturday 15th April 2017 at 10/9c, immediately after the Doctor Who Series 10 premiere at 9/8c.
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Bill Potts hasn’t even made her official on screen debut yet (Friend from the Future notwithstanding…), but already fans are speculating about her departure.
It’s nothing personal, Pearl. We’re just weird like that.
We can sort of be forgiven in this instance, however, as her intriguing monologue in the recently released Series 10 trailer has definitely left us with cause for concern. She’ll step aboard the TARDIS to see the universe anew on Saturday 15th April, and she wouldn’t miss it for the world…
Even if it kills her. Now, Doctor Who fans are known for reading too much into things, but it looks like that’s exactly what Steven Moffat wants us to be doing. Is she foreshadowing the tragic events to come, or is it another momentous Moffat red herring to throw us all off the scent? Let us know what you think of these developments in the comments section below…
New adventures. New companion. Same Doctor! Read the latest Series 10 news…
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Just in case Steven Moffat’s final series as showrunner wasn’t sounding exciting enough already, they’ve just dropped the bombshell that he’s bringing back the Mondasian Cybermen, too. Be still our beating Whovian hearts.
Of course, the metal monsters are no strangers to the revived series, having been familiar – *ahem* – foes since their comeback in Series 2. Thus far they’ve been 2.0 versions from a parallel universe (with other tweaked variations thereupon…), but this time it’s out with the new and in with the old as the genuine articles are back to fight another day.
And we’re pretty damned excited. But of course, the news of their comeback begs the all-important question: what the hell is going on?! They first appeared in the First Doctor’s last serial The Tenth Planet, in which they attempted to take humans to their home planet of Mondas for conversion, and something tells us that this will still be high on their agenda…
But let’s not forget that Missy will also be back in the finale – has she formed an allegiance with the Cybermen? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time, and we bet her plan is even more devilish this time round, after her first attempt at world domination went down like a lead balloon. What’s more, the last time we saw her she did say she’d had a clever idea…
So, what’s it all about? There’s still a while before we find out (the episodes in question are still being filmed), but we’d love to hear your initial thoughts and theories. Their return is a dream come true for Peter Capaldi, but are you as excited to be welcoming them back? We dread to think what they’ll have in store, but it’s the series finale – and Steven Moffat’s last ever one – so it is safe to assume that it will all well and truly hit the fan. Bring it on, Moff.
Watch the BRAND NEW Series 10 trailer! You won’t want to miss it for the world…
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It’s the question that’s dominating Whovian discussion all over the world, and just about every other discussion, too.
Following last month’s shock announcement that Peter Capaldi will be leaving Doctor Who in this year’s Christmas Special, our attention has already turned to who will or might be cast as his successor, despite the fact he’ll be sticking around for another 13 episodes.
And, of course, amidst the flurry of potential candidates, the inevitable debate has once again been sparked…
Should the Thirteenth Doctor be a female? Well, Ladbrokes certainly seem to think so – they currently have 7/2 odds on it being Oscar winner Tilda Stinton, and the campaign for a Time Lady has recently been backed by former companion Billie Piper who thinks sticking with tradition would “be a snub”. But what do YOU think? We’d love to hear your opinions on the matter at hand, so vote in the poll below and be sure to join the friendly debate in the comments section. Hopefully it will give us an idea of the general consensus, if there even is one! Either way, it’s a topic that will keep us all talking for the foreseeable…
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Need to get something off your chest? Browse our Discussions to have your say…
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Ok, so Peter Capaldi hasn’t even left yet, but it’s practically impossible to avoid all of the ongoing speculation surrounding his successor, so we thought we might as well get involved!
Besides, it’s been a hot topic of conversation since before his departure was even announced, with Tom Weston-Jones emerging as a very early favourite to take over the TARDIS back in January of last year. Now that Peter’s exit is an undeniable reality, though, the time has come once again to put forward who you think would make for a reputable replacement.
And where do you even begin? In the build up to the Thirteenth Doctor’s unveiling, it’s safe to say that every name under the sun will be put forward as a potential candidate, and it would seem that the sky’s the limit when it comes to predicting an incoming Time Lord.
Don’t worry, though, because here is where you can discuss and dissect your pick of dream Doctors, from the realistic to the downright bonkers. Whether it’s wishful thinking or if you genuinely believe your choice has got what it takes to become our latest defender of the universe, let us know who has already got your vote in that there comments section below.
Should the new Doctor be an established actor or a relatively unknown? Do you agree with Billie Piper that a female Doctor would be a “timely” move, or has the franchise fixated a televisual tradition that should never be broken? Whatever you’ve got to say, here is the place to say it! There are exciting times ahead. On Christmas Day 2017, he/she’s a-comin’!