WhovianNet recently caught up with the host of the BBC’s brand new Doctor Who Fan Show to find out more about the weekly YouTube series that’s been taking the Whovian world wide web by storm.
As its title suggests, the show, which was launched last month, celebrates the lives and times of our beloved hero in all his Gallifreyan glory and its presenter, vlogger Christel Dee, gave us an insight into what her fellow fans can expect from the show and the process of creating each episode. Check out our full Q&A with Christel below!
Q. Hi, Christel! Firstly, can you describe the Doctor Who Fan Show in a nutshell?
A. Doctor Who: The Fan Show is a weekly show on the official Doctor Who YouTube channel that celebrates some of the awesome stuff fans are making as well as interviews, a smidge of Doctor Who news and funny comedy sketches.Q. When did you first become a Doctor Who fan?
A. I first came across Doctor Who in 2005. My first episode was The Empty Child. I was 13 years old and it scared the living daylights out of me! I was hooked from that moment on.Q. And how long have you been a YouTuber?
A. I started my current YouTube channel in 2011 but I started making YouTube videos in 2007 on an old channel where I used to make video diaries at conventions. I set up a new channel in 2011 as I was studying for a Film & Television Production degree and wanted a side project where I could practice editing and presenting/interviewing skills. I’ve been attending conventions and cosplaying since 2006 and wanted to show the hard work and dedication that goes into making costumes in a fun, informal way. I then joined the YouTube channel, FiveWhoFans (5WF) in 2014. We make comedy sketches, serious episode reviews and songs. We also have a podcast and an original Doctor Who audio series called Aimless Wanderings.Q. Based on your own experiences, what advice would you give to anybody who is interested in starting up a YouTube channel of their own?
A. I think it’s good to make videos about something you’re passionate about because that will shine through on screen and make you and your videos engaging. Plus, making videos should be fun, so choose something you like! I recommend keeping videos relatively short in length (reviews can be a bit longer, I think) and try to upload regularly, too. Strong channel branding is useful to help build an identity for your channel and don’t forget to make eye catching custom thumbnails! Social media is really useful to build a fan base and engage with fans. It’s also useful for updating people on what’s happening and reaching out to new audiences.Q. Great tips! How did your involvement with the Doctor Who Fan Show come about?
A. The BBC were looking for a fan to host the show. They found my videos on FiveWhoFans and my own channel and I was invited to an audition.Q. What is the typical process of bringing an episode of the Doctor Who Fan Show from script to screen?
A. Each episode is very different so the process varies from week to week. As it is an online show, the turn around is fast and we’re often working on multiple episodes at once. With my producer Chris Allen, we work together to plan content for each episode. We both script the links and comedy sketches and George Shankster, our shooter/editor, films and edits them.Q. In what ways can viewers get involved with the Doctor Who Fan Show?
A. We’re always on the look out for weird and wonderful stuff. So whether that’s a cosplay, a video you’ve made, a cloud that looks like Peter Capaldi’s hair, send it to [email protected] or tweet us @dwthefanshow.Q. What’s the best thing about working on the Doctor Who Fan Show?
The Doctor Who fan community is huge so it’s lovely to be able to highlight some of the awesome stuff that fans are making and doing. We also get to experiment a lot and make a variety of stuff. One week we might do an interview, the next week a silly comedy sketch. We film on lots of different locations and I get to wear lots of silly costumes! Everyone who works on the show are huge fans, too.Q. What do you think it is about the Doctor Who fandom that makes it such a great place to be?
A. I think the Doctor Who fandom is very unique. There aren’t many things that cross ages, genders and cultural barriers in the same way that Doctor Who does. I love the way it brings people together and the passion it ignites in people, too. There’s also so much to celebrate. So many Doctors, companions, monsters, time periods and worlds. Everyone has their favourites and it makes the fandom so interesting and exciting.Q. Finally, is there anything coming up in the Doctor Who Fan Show that viewers can look forward to?
A. There’s loads of awesome stuff lined up including robbing Steven Moffat’s lair, an episode filmed entirely in Minecraft and we’re off to San Diego Comic Con in a few weeks.
Don’t forget to subscribe to the official Doctor Who YouTube so you never miss an episode!