Matt Smith hints at Series 5 story arc

April 16th, 2010

Matt Smith has spoken exclusively to Sun Times as the build up to tomorrow night’s BBC America premiere of Series 5 continues in its masses!

During the interview, the Eleventh Doctor actor comments on this year’s ‘Big Bad’ story arc, that will be built up as the series progresses, culminating in its finale. He teases: ”I can only hint to those who have watched the first episode to go back and re-watch it. Look out for important things in episode one. I think they’re very clear.”

He added: “They will all creep back in. One particular aspect will continue to creep back in and cause the Doctor great discomfort throughout the season. It’s really going to challenge him like he’s never been challenged before. It’s not just a monster.”

10 comments on this article
  1. Lee
    April 16th, 2010 at 3.05pm | #1

    Sound brilliant! Thanks for reporting.

  2. Doctor Who
    April 16th, 2010 at 6.15pm | #2

    It’s obviously the mysterious crack.

  3. TE
    April 16th, 2010 at 7.04pm | #3

    @Doctor Who
    The crack’s part of it, but it’s way too small to be the main story arc. Look at how large Bad Wolf, Torchwood, Mr Saxon, and The Medusa Cascade were over the past four series.

  4. Ruby
    April 16th, 2010 at 8.18pm | #4

    I’m probably making a mountain out of a mole hill but could Jeff’s lapstop have anything to do with it?
    I cant remember what it said on it, but that could be used somehow :)

  5. dani
    April 16th, 2010 at 9.32pm | #5

    the laptop make was myth (with a funny y) and i dont think thats a real brand. i googled it

  6. dani
    April 16th, 2010 at 9.34pm | #6

    oh, and in the beast below, one of the shops was called magpie something, and it sold tvs. you will remember that from the wire, so i think (and you heard this first from me!) electricals play a BIG part somehow…

  7. TE
    April 16th, 2010 at 11.32pm | #7

    Magpie Electricals is just an insider joke among the design department, hence the Scanner and typewriter in the current Console Room being branded with the “Magpie Electricals” logo ;)

  8. dani
    April 17th, 2010 at 12.33pm | #8

    oh, fair enough, i hadn’t noticed the stuff in the TARDIS, silly me…

  9. CM
    April 19th, 2010 at 11.03am | #9

    Look at the age of the cars and the hospital in The Eleventh Hour. We have no reference dates in this episode apart from “14 years since fish custard”.
    In victory of the Daleks Amy can’t remember “planets in the sky” Maybe the Doctor has crossed his own time line.

  10. dr
    April 19th, 2010 at 10.45pm | #10

    I know its a long shot but if u look on wikipedia on the last 2 episodes it says “The Doctor is dealing with a message on a cliff, a mysterious box and a love story which spans over millenia” now if you look over the internet espeacialy on the doctor who wiki it says that only timelord could possibly creat the crack shown in the episodes then the quote says a strange box which is used normally to describe the TARDIS and a love story which spans over a millenia so my guess is that the main baddie is The Rani because there was hinted that the doctor and The Rani did have a love interest in the old episodes i think and that also explains the strange box bein her TARDIS and it explains the cracks in time and space which can be created by time lords well just my theory on the big baddie at the end :)

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