Steven reveals there is a new monster on its way…

June 17th, 2012
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

We all love a monster or two (well, perhaps not the Doctor, but let’s face it, his life would be pretty darn dull without them…), and there’s plenty of ‘em on their way in Series 7!

We’ve got the Daleks back, and “worse than ever”, in the opening episode, and the Weeping Angels are gearing up for a final showdown with the Ponds in New York – one in which “not everyone gets out alive”. As well as that, there has been rumours recently that a classic series foe will be back to face the Doctor and his new companion.

To add to the speculation, Steven Moffat has taken to Twitter to confirm that he has created another new adversary, and it is pretty creepy indeed, if he can say so himself…

“See this new monster I’ve invented? This is a GOOD one. This will SCARE you. Oh yes.”

So, what’s Steven got up his sleeve? Should we even DARE to try and predict his mind?!

See the latest Series 7 headlines to discuss all the developments as and when…

WATCH the Series 7 trailer for a preview of the Doctor’s Wild West adventure!

6 comments on this article
  1. Steve
    June 17th, 2012 at 9.32pm | #1

    Another new adversary? One that will “scare” you? A “good” one? Or another one of SM rip offs?

  2. Patrick
    June 17th, 2012 at 10.57pm | #2

    Well the Weeping Angels and the Silence proved to be a scare, Steve lol especially the Weeping Angels from Blink.

  3. tomzuk
    June 18th, 2012 at 12.54am | #3

    I loved The Silence, Daleks, and the Weeping Angels. Looking forward to new monsters.

  4. Steve
    June 18th, 2012 at 6.52am | #4

    @Patrick What is the difference between the Angels (a great creation) and the Silence? Answer, not a lot. The Silence are a rip off from the Angels. The image is a rip off. They have very similar powers and traits.

  5. TWWL
    June 18th, 2012 at 9.48am | #5

    Moffat has obviously created some great monsters, here’s hoping he pulls it off again. Let’s be positive!

  6. AnnaChildofGallifrey
    June 18th, 2012 at 5.16pm | #6

    The Angels and The Silence were fantastic! I just hope he can make these new monsters just as awesome and original.

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