Steven teases “movie-length” anniversary episode

Steven Moffat has confirmed the 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who will be “well over an hour” in length and teased that its two starring Doctors make “a sublime double act”.
The 3D special will be screened on TV and in cinemas this November and we’ve previously been promised it’ll feature “a lot of surprises”. “Yeah you could call it movie-length,” the showrunner told Entertainment Weekly. “Though I do say that with a hint of vagueness – I don’t yet actually know what its finished running time will be!”
This “momentous” episode will mark the return of David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and Steven has teased that “a fun pairing” is unravelled when he teams up with current Doctor Matt Smith. He explained: “There’s a bit of joshing of each other but they’re both such enthusiastic Doctors – they are sort of competing slightly but standing there saying, “Oh god this is so cool, there’s two of me!” So it’s very, very different. There’s no filter.”
As well as David Billie Piper will also be back as Rose Tyler and the Classic Series foes the Zygons will be making a shape-shifting appearance. “You’ll just have to wait to find out about the rest of it I’m afraid,” Steven said. We’ll keep checking our calendars then…
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First thing about Steven Moffat is he lies. Second thing about Steven Moffat is he is unable to write anything free any more. Let’s face it, the 2 Doctor’s have been done before and despite the continuing lack of interest by the BBC, this is Doctor Who’s 50th year. The 50th Anniversary stories needs to be something spectacular.
Doh! That should be “Second thing about Steven Moffat is he is unable to write anything FRESH any more. “
just as long as there are PLENTY of OMGLOLZ moments between the three of them. This is a requirement. AND WHERE IS JACK??????? His CHARACTER needs to meet Eleven. This HAS TO HAPPEN; the dramedy potential alone…
@tempusdominus10 Why?? I don’t understand why he needs to meet 11 at all. He is just another companion and does rank that high in the over all companion rankings!
I reckon the Zygon will be the 10th doctor!!!! that would be a surprise, so say hes inprisoned and Rose doesn’t know it etc yea