Overnight ratings for Vincent and the Doctor

June 6th, 2010

Vincent and the Doctor achieved an unofficial audience of 5.0million last night.

The overnight statistics show that 4.7million tuned in for the episode on BBC One, with an additional 0.3million watching on BBC HD. A 29.4% share of the total TV audience resulted in Doctor Who being the 2nd most watched programme of the day, behind the final of Britain’s Got Talent on ITV1, which won the night with 12.3million. Finalized BARB ratings will be released later this month.

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25 comments on this article
  1. john white
    June 6th, 2010 at 11.30am | #1

    dos this count for iplayer if it dos’nt then that will have somthing to do with the ratings always getting lower and of course the ever annoying Britain’s Got Talent dosnt help.

  2. JC
    June 6th, 2010 at 11.33am | #2

    The figures will rise a bit when the actual figures come through. I mean, I know there are a lot of factors, Britain’s Got Talent, the weather, the time slot it’s on and all of those reasons, but at the same time, I think it’s a shame for Doctor Who to get these kind of figures.

    Vincent and The Doctor was one of the best stories we’ve had this season and it seems to have got the lowest viewing figures.

    Still, hopefully the steadily decreasing numbers will peak again towards the end, especially now Britain’s Got Talent and that are over, we’ll see.

  3. Jay
    June 6th, 2010 at 2.29pm | #3

    I don’t want to be doom and gloom but I’m worried. Dr Who’s ratings are in freefall and it’s been like this for weeks now. It wasn’t even clashing with BGT last night. If 12m can tune into BGT, why can’t 8m tune into DW? We can blame weather and other factors but the fact is viewers are CHOOSING not to tune in. Don’t expect an improvement in the next 3 weeks either: the World Cup is on its way and itv have England next Saturday night. It will be a ratings disaster. Stephen Moffatt is now officially presiding over the decline of the series.

  4. Professor Zed
    June 6th, 2010 at 5.21pm | #4

    Actually, I would say whoever is making the scheduling decisions at the BBC (and those higher-ups giving the scheduling the OK) is presiding over the decline of the series. Decline, that is, in the ratings. The writing, directing, acting, producing, etc., keeps getting better and better (“Victory of the Daleks” withstanding). DW needs to air during the winter, beginning just after the new year. Ratings and appreciation would skyrocket to the levels the show truly deserves. I’ll also add (again) that “Vincent and the Doctor” was absolutely brilliant! This episode deserved to be seen by a wider audience, and that wider audience deserved to be able to see it at an agreeable time.

  5. TE
    June 6th, 2010 at 6.22pm | #5

    To be honest, considering the state that television is in nowadays, these are still fantastic overnight ratings in comparison to what other shows now get.

  6. HarpingOn
    June 7th, 2010 at 8.47am | #6

    So no-one seems to think the show losing almost half the audience it had for episode one is anything to be concerned about then? I’m the only one in my family still watching and I’m close to not bothering any more (and I’ve been there since 1963).

    It’s not about the weather or BGT or football – it’s about Matt Smith and Steven Moffat. Talk to non-fans, the casual viewer at work, school, friends, wherever and ask why they’ve stopped watching.

    Everyone in fandom thinks Matt Smith is the greatest Doctor ever? Emperor’s new clothes or what! The rest of the world can’t stand him. Miscast and far too young plus his acting skills leave an awful lot to be desired. Oooh Matt, do the starey eyes thing again, peering intently into someone’s face and looking from one eye to the other, so clever. Now growl in a flat monotone… inspired…. oooh now wave your arms, pinwheel and gabble rapidly…. sheer genius…

  7. TWWL
    June 7th, 2010 at 9.52am | #7

    Matt Smith is outstanding in the role. Miscast? You must be joking. He’s the most Doctor-ish Doctor since the show came back, if you were a fan of the classic series, then that much is obvious. And I’m saying that as someone who loves the two Doctors who came before him.

  8. cynet
    June 7th, 2010 at 10.11am | #8

    Has to be the best series of stories since the relaunch in 2005 and ok Matt is not one of the greats but he had to follow DT, which was the best doctor to date, so was always going to be a challenge.

    The series is in decline in ratings and thats a fact, will it recover of course it will but bbc keep messing around with the times all the time and that’s not helping the show one bit.

  9. TWWL
    June 7th, 2010 at 1.40pm | #9

    Best Doctor to date? I love Tennant, but he’s not my favourite, I’m sure many other people have their own personal faves too.

  10. David
    June 7th, 2010 at 2.34pm | #10

    The BBC have done what they always do, treat viewers with contempt.

    That their scheduling department couldn’t have sat down and secured a fixed 7pm slot for 13 weeks is nothing short of a disgrace. They manage to do it with Eastenders four times a week, 52 weeks of the year.

  11. robert
    June 7th, 2010 at 5.13pm | #11


    That is a harsh Harpingon. I’m a fan of the series new and old but I like him. If people don’t like him then so be it but everyone in my family likes him including my mum who also watched Bill Hartnell. I love them all

    and please admin will Dr who be axed if the rating don’t improve please say no.

  12. HarpingOn
    June 7th, 2010 at 5.52pm | #12

    Sorry if I’ve offended anyone – I’m just giving the reasons why my kids, my wife, my mother, three of my colleagues, my niece and several in-laws have already stopped watching. My description of his acting and miscasting are opinions that have been expressed to me as much as my own.

    As someone wrote on another blog – “Smith’s casting is on a par with casting Johnny Vegas as Tarzan”.

  13. robert
    June 7th, 2010 at 8.01pm | #13


    And who would have been right in your opion could have been better than Matt Smith?

  14. MavAl
    June 7th, 2010 at 9.49pm | #14

    Couldn’t disagree with you more harpingon.

    I don’t want to get into badmouthing Tenant, sometimes I do, especially after the awful undignified send off he got, because he was a fantastic Doctor; but if he was this generations Tom Baker then Matt Smith is more than worthy of the title of this generations Peter Davison. That said I’d probably make the reverse comparison, as to me Matt Smith is the best man in the role since Tom Baker, bringing a unique ancient alien quality with him.

    Heck my sister, whom has the misfortune of putting up with my Dr Who obsession even likes Smith and that’s an absolute first.

    Both my parents watched since ‘63, but it had gotten to the point where neither would risk it any more, and with good reason. The show had dumbed down to the lowest common denominator and there was nothing left for them, or me for that matter to enjoy. That was truly a shame, but it’s wonderful to now all be captivated by the show once more, I’d been a fan since the age of 3, but this is the first time in my lifetime that it’s been as good as say the Verity Lambert or Hichcliffe years.

  15. robert
    June 8th, 2010 at 8.35am | #15


    You’ve watched since 1963, and have seen ten doctors come and go but now you don’t like the Eleventh and are you speaking for the rest of the world?

    I think you’ve been reading the Daily Mail blogs again.

  16. HarpingOn
    June 8th, 2010 at 8.40am | #16

    Oh well, you must all be right and I must be completely wrong then. Of course Matt Smith is the best actor ever to have played the Doctor. My God he’s brilliant, what an inspired performance. I’ll stand and cheer at the end of each episode. Just like Troughton? What that old ham? Matt Smith is ten times the actor Troughton ever was.

    ….hmmmm, hang on though nearly 9 million tuned in for his first episode, but two weeks ago it was down to 4.7 million….

    Can’t be Matt Smith though…. must be that dreadful Britain’s Got Talent stealing the audience…. but that goes out at a different time later in the evening…. must be the weather then, everyone out in the sunshine…. except it wasn’t sunny or particularly warm that day…. Scheduling then – the BBC keep sticking it on at different times…. except its always around 6pm – 7pm and the BBC certainly show enough trailers for it…

    Never mind, I don’t care if no-one else is watching I’m sure the BBC will continue to make it just for us die-hard fans. Oh and all you people bemoaning the show and its star, don’t let the door hit you on the way out. I’m a fan and I won’t accept any criticism of the show – watch me stick my fingers in my ears – la la la, I can’t hear you.

  17. TWWL
    June 8th, 2010 at 8.58am | #17

    Very grown up.

  18. MavAl
    June 8th, 2010 at 9.08am | #18

    I hate comparing Doctors, I genuinely do, because it gets as childishly back and forth as you I’m afraid just have. You don’t strike me as someone with at least five decades of experience on this earth. I do think Matt is fantastic, but yes, Tenant was perceived as this generations Tom Baker so if other people complain he’s not as good as the last I’m not surprised. As I understood it though reactions to Smith had been almost unanimously positive, he’s certainly not been treated to the kind of reception that say Colin Baker had.

    As for the ratings, it seems like more people are just recording as the final ratings thus far have been higher than the previous two series. The last two episodes will be telling in that regard as it always spikes back up for the finale, feel free to come back and correct me then.

    I’ve happily criticised the show the past four years, primarily due to very shallow and lazy writing, finally the writing is back where it should be.

  19. HarpingOn
    June 8th, 2010 at 10.14am | #19

    Yeah, that was the whole point, Isaac Newton!

  20. admin
    June 8th, 2010 at 11.03am | #20

    We understand that people aren’t always going to agree with one another, but we do ask that views are aired in a polite and friendly way. Please don’t use language in your comments that could potentially offend others.

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