Archive for ‘Series 10’
June 3rd, 2017
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The world is gripped by a mass delusion and only Bill Potts can see the truth. When even the Doctor is fighting on the wrong side, it’s up to Bill to convince the Time Lord that humanity is in deadly danger. And if she can’t do that, she may just have to kill her best friend…

Lie of the Land Giveaway!

Thanks to the BBC, we’ve got a copy of Series 10: Part 1 to give away on DVD!

To be in with a chance, simply post your review of The Lie of the Land in the comments below, ensuring that your email address is correct (as this will be used to contact you if you’re the winner!).

Only one entry per email address will be accepted. The giveaway is open in the UK and the winner will be contacted by email next Saturday, 10th June 2017.

NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen The Lie of the Land. You have been warned!

June 2nd, 2017
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The BBC Media Centre has released the official synopsis for Episode 10 of Series 10, The Eaters of Light, which will air on Saturday 17th June.

The episode is written by Rona Munro – who wrote the 1989 Seventh Doctor serial Survival – and directed by Charles Palmer.

A long time ago, the ninth legion of the Roman army vanished into the mists of Scotland. Bill has a theory about what happened, and the Doctor has a time machine. But when they arrive in ancient Aberdeenshire, what they find is a far greater threat than any army. In a cairn, on a hillside, is a doorway leading to the end of the world…

It was the end of the world as we know it… Rate and Discuss the latest episode »

May 31st, 2017
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Series 10 continues this weekend and nothing is as it seems as the human race finds itself gripped by a mass delusion in The Lie of the Land.

One thing you can depend on, though, is our 10 exclusive teasers for the episode in question, however we’ve also thrown a tiny little fib into the mix (naturally) for good measure. Just ’cause.

Now, do as you’re told and let us know what you make of the hints below. Which one do you think is the red herring?

  1. “The Monks have been with us from the beginning…”
  2. Daleks and Cybermen and Weeping Angels, oh my!
  3. The Doctor’s on fire. Literally. The ************ was a little too much, though…
  4. “You couldn’t even get on Celebrity Love Island.”
  5. Missy cries. Actual tears. And no, this isn’t the red herring. Or is it…?
  6. Bill punches Nardole. Twice. It was only a matter of time…
  7. Man, this really is the series of misdirection, isn’t it?
  8. Nardole loses another body part. Now he’s just getting careless…
  9. There’s a cool little ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ throwback to Series 2.
  10. Oh, Bill. We hardly knew ye. It probably isn’t worth her starting any long books…

It was the end of the world as we know it… Rate and Discuss the latest episode »

May 30th, 2017
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The sixth episode of Series 10, Extremis, was watched by an official audience of 5.53 million viewers, the BARB ratings have revealed.

The final figure has once again seen a considerable rise from its initial overnight of 4.16 million, as it accounts for those who recorded the episode and watched it within the first 7 days of its broadcast.

Overall, Doctor Who was the 20th most watched programme of the week, and the 8th most watched on BBC One.

May 28th, 2017
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The latest Series 10 episode – The Pyramid at the End of the World – was watched by an unofficial audience of 4.01 million viewers, according to the overnight ratings.

With 20.4% of the total television audience, Doctor Who was the third most watched programme of the day, behind Britain’s Got Talent (8.38 million) and the FA Cup Final (6.43 million). The final consolidated rating, including those who recorded it and watch in the next 7 days, will be released next week, and should see a considerable rise.

It was the end of the world as we know it… Rate and Discuss the latest episode »

May 27th, 2017
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The new series continues next week and nothing is as it seems (for a change!) as the world is gripped by a mass delusion in The Lie of the Land.

Even the Doctor is fighting on the wrong side and only Bill Potts knows the truth, but how can she convince the Time Lord that humanity is in deadly danger? She may just have to kill her best friend…

The Lie of the Land airs on Saturday 5th June at 7:35pm on BBC One. Watch the tantalising trailer below…

It was the end of the world as we know it… Rate and Discuss the latest episode »

May 27th, 2017
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A 5,000 year-old Pyramid stands at the centre of a war zone, where the Chinese, Russian and American armies are about to clash. There are many problems with that, but the one that intrigues the Doctor is this: there wasn’t a pyramid there yesterday. The Doctor, Bill and Nardole face an alien invasion unlike any other, and before conquest can begin, these aliens need the consent of the human race…

Series 10 continued in spectacular style tonight as the second instalment of this year’s epic three-part adventure took our heroes to the end of the world itself…

They’ve been there before, of course, but definitely not like this. The Doomsday Clock was already a-tickin’ as our TARDIS Team unravelled the mystery of an ancient but brand new Pyramid, but it was what lay inside the tomb that had the potential to push the Doctor & Co – and the entire human race – to the brink of destruction. The Monks were back and they were ready to talk, as the truly Earth-shattering extent of their powers was revealed.

Meanwhile, Armageddon was nigh within the confines of a research laboratory (it’s always the last place you look…) and the consequences would have been catastrophic had it not been for Bill Pott’s final act of desperation. She has given her consent, but what did you think of The Pyramid at the End of the World? Are the modelling Monks a magnificent edition to the show’s menagerie of monsters, or were you left disappointed by the latest extra terrestrial escapade? Let us know by discussing tonight’s episode in the comments!

NOTE: This discussion will NOT be spoiler monitored so please do not read the comments section if you haven’t seen The Pyramid at the End of the World. You have been warned!

May 27th, 2017
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The BBC Media Centre has released the official synopsis for Episode 9 of Series 10, Empress of Mars, which will air on Saturday 10th June.

The episode is written by Mark Gatiss, directed by Wayne Yip and will feature the return of the Ice Warriors – with a twist.

The Doctor, Bill and Nardole arrive on Mars, and find themselves in an impossible conflict between Ice Warriors… and Victorian soldiers. As the Martian hive awakens around them, the Doctor faces a unique dilemma – this time the humans, not the Ice Warriors are the invaders. When Earth is invading Mars, whose side is he on?

Never judge a book by its cover… Click here to rate the latest episode, Extremis »

May 25th, 2017
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Series 10 continues this weekend as the countdown to armageddon begins in The Pyramid at the End of the World.

It’s basically the end of the human race as we know it. Fear not, though, as we’re here to help you prepare for doomsday with our 10 exclusive teasers – including one red herring – for the upcoming episode. What can you deduct, and which do you think is the lie?

The episode airs on Saturday at  7:45pm on BBC One.

  1. If last week’s episode confused you, the first minute of this one should help clear things up.
  2. Nardole isn’t just sexy, you know. He’s excellent at hacking into CCTV cameras, too.
  3. Bill’s second – well, first – date with Penny gets rudely interrupted.
  4. Check the time on your phone. Tick tock goes the Doomsday Clock…
  5. A familiar face from UNIT makes an unexpected appearance.
  6. “I wouldn’t have even voted for the President. He’s ******.”
  7. Move over, Bill. It looks like the Doctor has just found himself a new companion.
  8. “The end of your life has already begun.” Oh, Doctor. Say it isn’t so!
  9. The Monks are back, but they’ve really been here all along…
  10. Another week, another cliffhanger. And this one is a doozy.

Never judge a book by its cover… Click here to rate the latest episode, Extremis »

May 21st, 2017
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

It only feels like yesterday that Bill Potts was stepping aboard the TARDIS in The Pilot, but time really does fly when you’re having fun because we’re already halfway through the brand new series.

We’d say that we’re halfway out of the dark, but something tells us that things are going to go from bad to worse for Team TARDIS as we approach the grand finale, The Doctor Falls, especially if the events of last night’s episode, Extremis, are anything to go by, and who knows what further shocks and surprises will be unearthed along the way…

While we twiddle our thumbs and wait for the adventure to continue in The Pyramid at the End of the World next weekend, now is the perfect time to reflect on the first half of Series 10 and discuss your favourite moments so far. We’ve encountered living puddles, rampant robots, a Thames-dwelling serpent, killer woodlice, the walking dead and even the Pope himself has made an appearance. Amidst the chaos, Bill has become a bonafide time travelling hero and Nardole has proved himself to be secretly bad ass, too. Although there’s nothing secret about that, baby doll. But what’s been your favourite episode of the bunch?

Vote in our poll below and let us know what you’ve loved/loathed in the comments section!

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Never judge a book by its cover… Click here to rate the latest episode, Extremis »

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