Rate & Discuss: The Vampires of Venice

May 8th, 2010
Warning! This article and its comments may contain spoilers...

Dessicated corpses, terror in the canal and a visit to the sinister House of Calvierri - the Doctor takes Amy and Rory for a romantic mini-break, as the TARDIS touches down once again. But Venice is not as it should be. The city has been sealed to protect it from the Plague, although Rosanna Calvierri may have other plans…

Some people say that three’s a crowd, but you never have to worry about running out of space when the TARDIS is concerned (it is bigger on the inside, after all!). It’s just as well really, as tonight Rory became a bonafide member of Team Time & Space!

After Amy’s proposition at the end of Flesh and Stone last week, the Doctor set out to rekindle the relationship between her and her bumbling fiancé, and where better to relight their fire than in one of the most romantic hot spots known to man? Venice! 

But, unfortunately, the course of true love never did run smooth, and, naturally, their getaway was somewhat intruded by a creepy clan of bloodsucking vampires, who were just one bite away from world domination. They made for a great mystery for the trio to get their teeth into though, and there was definitely something fishy going on…

So, was it fang-tastic from start to finish, or do you feel the story suffered from some severe teething problems? Let us know by sharing your views in a comment on this article! What did you love? What did you loathe? Don’t forget you can also give the episode a score out of 5 and leave your vampire mark in our new poll on the homepage.

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28 comments on this article
  1. Ash
    May 9th, 2010 at 3.15pm | #1

    i liked this episode, a good old doctor who romp. The silence at the end was freakily good too. Cant wait for next week. :)

  2. harchie
    May 9th, 2010 at 3.49pm | #2

    I think that this light hearted romp was the best stand alone episode yet.
    Although the dr meeting and deposing the last of a race is a familiar theme from the RTD era.
    Full marks to Rory for the angst and humanity.

  3. 100thDoctor
    May 9th, 2010 at 8.36pm | #3

    Really fun to watch! Matt Smith is a brill Doctor, he just makes each scene leap out. All the actors in the series so far have done awsome work. The storys so far seem to be focused on the characters, with the plots taking a back stage. I like this, Doctor who hasn’t really tried it before. I like the Vampire idea. They not vampires at all, fish from space, as removed from Vampires as you can get.

  4. dorian
    May 9th, 2010 at 9.13pm | #4

    Liked this weeks episode, through how slow and well plotted it was going to be a 2 parter as it took so long to get any were but as others have said it looked to me that they had to end it quick as they had spent so much time makeing plot that the ending was a bit flat and rushed.

    Also did not see much reason for the son of the vampire/fish lady to be there he just seemed to be a wasted fee not doing much or adding much realy to the story.

  5. Courtney Carr
    May 12th, 2010 at 2.54pm | #5

    I am the biggest fan ever i love every second of every episode :) !!!!!

  6. James
    May 13th, 2010 at 12.45am | #6

    I really liked this episode! It was a lot of fun and had some great lines bye the Doctor! I love that they were not actually vampires! lol Fish… eww

  7. Patrick
    February 16th, 2011 at 4.37pm | #7

    I enjoyed this episode. The Saturnynians weren’t really villains as such. They ran from the Silence which then lost their home Saturnyne and were looking for a new place to live with the girls Rosanna had transformed with the male blokes underneath the sea. They weren’t planning to take over the world so I was hoping there would be a partnership between the Doctor and Rosanna. The Doctor has often said he will look for a new place to past aliens why not with the Vampires? This was an enjoyable episode with some good moments but I just don’t get Rory. He is off and on with the Doctor. First he attacks him then helps him towards the end. Same in the Silurian episode and the final 2 episodes.

  8. Patrick
    February 16th, 2011 at 4.38pm | #8

    Forgot to add that some of the Vampires were incredibly sexy and they can bite me any day :L BRING THEM BACK MOFFAT!!!

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