Archive for ‘Rumours’
September 14th, 2013
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Peter Davison has teased his involvement in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary celebrations by revealing he’ll be “making an appearance somewhere”.

The actor, who portrayed the Time Lord’s fifth incarnation in the 80s, told BANG Showbiz that he’ll definitely be involved with the festivities in some shape or form then managed to remain tight-lipped when pressed for details. “I can’t reveal anything specific about,” he said. “I’m not allowed. But it’s a big year for the show and we’re all doing our bit. Trust me.”

In 2007 Peter returned to Doctor Who for the Children in Need mini-episode Time Crash.

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July 23rd, 2013
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New rumours have surfaced suggesting one Doctor from the Classic Series will return for the 50th anniversary.

Radio Times has heard it through the grapevine that either Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy or Paul McGann will be part of the movie-length special which will premiere on Saturday 23rd November.

The fresh claim adds fuel to the ongoing speculation that the 3D episode will include previous Doctors.

It’s been both heavily suggested and denied over the months, only time (Lord) will tell…

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July 4th, 2013
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The secret behind John Hurt’s role in the 50th anniversary special has seemingly been revealed in a new interview with one of the show’s crew members.

The actor was introduced as the Doctor in the closing scene of the Series 7 final The Name of the Doctor with viewers left on tenterhooks about the story behind him – until now.

It appears series costumer designer Howard Burden has let slip just ‘who’ he is in an interview with the Telegraph.

For those of you who want to stay away from big spoilers we’ve hidden his quote below…

“There was a gap between Paul McGann being the Doctor and Christopher Eccleston and we didn’t see a regeneration. John fills the gap. He’s a past Doctor, not a future Doctor.”

There we have it. Was it what you expected? Have your say in the comments – spoilers!

The episode, starring Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt, airs on 23rd November.

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May 14th, 2013
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Steven Moffat has urged fans to take all of the rumours and speculation regarding the 50th anniversary with a pinch of salt as he confirms we’ll “just have to wait”.

The exec producer has penned the “momentous” episode, to be shown on BBC One and in cinemas in 3D to celebrate the show’s historic landmark in November. Speaking to Red Carpet News TV at the BAFTA TV Awards – where a tribute to Doctor Who was screened – he revealed that he’s “rather reticent” to confirm or deny the ongoing rumbles.

“All I’ve ever revealed about what we’re doing is anything that we’ve filmed outside,” he said referring to the announcement that David Tennant and Billie Piper will be returning for the special. “People are making up stuff about who is or isn’t in the special and most are quite fanciful. I love you all Doctor Who fans but don’t believe everything you hear.”

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March 3rd, 2013
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John Barrowman’s caused a stir among fans (for a change!) by saying he’s in talks about 50th anniversary “things”.

Up until now, the actor’s insisted he has had no information to share about Captain Jack’s potential return as part of the festivities, although he’s noted “it would be a shame” if he weren’t involved in some shape or form.

However, there appears to have been developments behind the scenes as he shared “a total exclusive” on This Morning.

“It is all very secretive, and I haven’t had anything to say up until just about right now,” he said appearing on the show last week. “All I can say is that we are discussing things.”

…Whatever that means! But shortly after his revelation, he took to his Twitter to clarify:

He also reaffirmed his comments during a chat with Graham Norton on his radio show as he explained: “If I’m asked a question, I try to be as vague but as honest as possible – what I said has been taken totally out of context and twisted. I don’t have an answer.”

With thanks to JC!

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January 22nd, 2013
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Now the 50th anniversary year is here rumours about the big occasion will be coming in thick and fast over the coming months – and Birmingham Mail have got the ball rolling!

For those interested in reading up on the latest, you can find all the details in the spoiler box below.

It is always fun to speculate (plus it is what we Whovians do best!), so we’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Remember to take everything with a pinch of salt for now…

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Eleven Time Lords to feature in 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode

According to them, Steven Moffat is “close to completing” the script for a one-off adventure starring all eleven incarnations of the Doctor. The report claims that Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann are all “keen to appear”, with the first three Doctors to be resurrected for “brief flashback scenes” using elements of “studio trickery”.

Christopher Eccleston is reportedly reconsidering his involvement after previously saying he’d “never bathe in the same river twice”, while David Tennant has revealed he has “nothing to say” about a return, but has himself admitted that it is “not impossible”.

However, the latest article suggests that modern companions – such as Rose, Rory, Amy and Martha – will not be making comebacks for the special, conflicting this report from October last year. Alex Kingston may be back as River Song, though – the rumours are she’ll be the one “responsible for bringing the previous incarnations together”. Hello, sweeties!

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January 13th, 2013
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Freema Agyeman has confirmed that she won’t be returning to Doctor Who for its 50th anniversary.

The actress who played companion Martha Jones clarified the news to CraveOnline. She responded to comments she made back in 2011, when she told the Independent she had “heard rumblings” about what was being planned… “I got misquoted saying that there were some rumblings going on about being involved,” she explained. “I’m doing two things for the 50th but nothing to do with being in the actual show.”

She continued: “It is in terms of conventions and interviews and things like that – we are all doing stuff to promote the 50th. We have to. It’s the Doctor Who family. We want to.”

She suggested that her return is off the cards because the show’s now in a different era. “It is a different thing now,” she said. “It moves on, it changes and that’s a good thing.”

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November 29th, 2012
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Christopher Eccleston has sparked speculation that he’ll be in some way involved in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary.

While the actor has famously been adamant that a return to his Ninth Doctor role is off the cards – citing he’d “never bathe in the same river twice” – he has left us intrigued after comments in an interview with Red Carpet News TV.

When asked if he’d like to be invited back for the landmark year, he said: “If I told you that, I’d have to shoot you.”

Celebrations for the show’s milestone will be “extensive” and “build for the future”.

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November 23rd, 2012
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Sixth Doctor Colin Baker is currently serving time in the I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here jungle. Before he went in, Digital Spy spoke to him about his latest adventure.

The conversation naturally turned to his former adventures in the TARDIS as the actor looked back fondly on his tenure as the Time Lord and, in particular, its fanbase. “I was in the show from 1983 to 1986,” he said. “Blimey… it has been 30 years since I did the programme and the fans have all been faithfully loyal. Bless the Doctor Who fans.”

He added that he thinks Matt Smith is “brilliant” in the title role but went on to admit that he doubts that any of the Classic Series incarnations will be invited back for next year’s 50th anniversary, which will be officially marked a year today on 23rd November 2013. He said: “I’ve not been asked and as far I know none of my erstwhile colleagues have.”

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November 23rd, 2012
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David Tennant’s revealed that he still has “nothing to say” about any involvement in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary.

Speaking to Radio 1 about his latest film, Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger, released in cinemas today, the Tenth Doctor actor reaffirmed: “I don’t have an answer, and I keep being asked this question so I do wish I had one.” He might know more than he is letting on, though, as he initially had to stop himself in his tracks… “I nearly said something I shouldn’t,” he said. And so we’re left to make of that what we will.

David’s previously said it’s “not impossible” he’ll return for the show’s landmark year.

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